Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Refund Policy

From time to time, you may need to request a refund of the payment you made for your subscription. You may be wondering how this process works and how to request a refund. Do not worry! Below, we have compiled frequently asked questions and answers on this subject for you.

Our Return Policy:

As ChatFabrica, we refund payments made under certain conditions:

If you cannot use ChatFabrica due to technical problems,

If you cancel the subscription within the first week after purchasing it.

How to Perform Returns:

If you believe you are eligible to request a refund, please follow these steps: Send an email to Clearly state the reason for your return and please provide all necessary information so we can process your request quickly.

If we have informed you that your return has been approved, there is nothing else you need to do; Your refund will be automatically deposited to your card within 10 business days.

From time to time, you may need to request a refund of the payment you made for your subscription. You may be wondering how this process works and how to request a refund. Do not worry! Below, we have compiled frequently asked questions and answers on this subject for you.

Our Return Policy:

As ChatFabrica, we refund payments made under certain conditions:

If you cannot use ChatFabrica due to technical problems,

If you cancel the subscription within the first week after purchasing it.

How to Perform Returns:

If you believe you are eligible to request a refund, please follow these steps: Send an email to Clearly state the reason for your return and please provide all necessary information so we can process your request quickly.

If we have informed you that your return has been approved, there is nothing else you need to do; Your refund will be automatically deposited to your card within 10 business days.

From time to time, you may need to request a refund of the payment you made for your subscription. You may be wondering how this process works and how to request a refund. Do not worry! Below, we have compiled frequently asked questions and answers on this subject for you.

Our Return Policy:

As ChatFabrica, we refund payments made under certain conditions:

If you cannot use ChatFabrica due to technical problems,

If you cancel the subscription within the first week after purchasing it.

How to Perform Returns:

If you believe you are eligible to request a refund, please follow these steps: Send an email to Clearly state the reason for your return and please provide all necessary information so we can process your request quickly.

If we have informed you that your return has been approved, there is nothing else you need to do; Your refund will be automatically deposited to your card within 10 business days.